Due to the current Covid pandemic, our Events are severly restricted and subject to change at short notice.
For the current situation, see our Diary or send us an email
Pilgrims: Weekly for 8-12 year olds
Monday 6:30-7:45pm: 'Pilgrims' is a joint club with Western Way Free chapel. Pilgrims meet in the Chapel rooms. Activities include: Games and a Bible story (Contact: David Clowes). (Return to top)
Bible Study Group: Occasional, open to all
Tuesday 7:30-9:00pm: This group meets from time to time in the Lay Reader's house next to the church dependent on other other church activities. We usually follow a short course but often stray off the subject as the Holy Spirit leads us! (Contact: Ruth Clowes). (Return to top)
Shared Lunch: Fortnightly, open to all
Thursday 12:30-2:00pm: A second study Group, this time jointly with Western Way Free Chapel, meeting in the chapel. The group shares a simple lunch of home-made soup, cheese, and cake, before following a short course or discussion, usually inspired by an initial DVD. (Contact: Roger Parker). (Return to top)
Choir: Weekly, open to all (No audition!)
Thursday 6:30pm practice, Sunday 9:30am Service: The enthusiastic and committed choir sings at the weekly Service and various choral concerts and events throughout the year. The music is mainly traditional, usually accompanied by the organ but occasionally by piano or other instruments. (Contact: Bob May). (Return to top)
Bell-Ringers: Weekly, open to all
Friday 7:45pm practice and half hour before services: The bell-ringers meet every Friday to practice and they ring before most services. They make occasional visits to other towers and receive visitors to our tower. Dymock’s tower has 6 bells (Contact: Tony Reese). (Return to top)